Monday 8 August 2011


Electricity Circuits: Individual,Series,Parallel and Series-Parallel.

Safety- students must wear overalls and steel cap work boots at all the times.
Resources: 12v power supply is needed ,digital multimeter , circuit board ,12 wires of at least 3 different colours , and a calculator.

Tuesday  2/8/2011 
First day of my class, I started with circuits. Circuits have different types , first is Individual Circuits , second is Series Circuit ,third is Parallel Circuit , and forth is Series - Parallel circuit.

Individual circuit: Firstly we need to take battery  circuit board (containing resistor , switch , bulbs and connected components) , few wires , multimeter. I connected the wire with the positive side of battery the other side of same wire to positive side of circuit board too. Then I took another wire to connect it to resistor then from resistor to switch from switch too bulb and positive connection is over then I connect a wire with negative side of battery to another side of circuit board and from that point i connected the wire to negative side of the bulb. hence circuit gets completed.

Then I tested the Available Voltage (while testing available voltage the black wire of meter is always connected to negative side of the battery , and positive to the component of which need available voltage) which comes to be 12.6v  at the positive 12v supply (B+). at terminal before switched comes to be 12.5v , terminal after the switch comes to be 12.4v and suddenly  drops at terminal after the bulb it comes to be just  0.1v as maximum voltage is consume by the bulb.
Then i tested the voltage drop measurements means you have to keep the meter leads  on either side of component , in this we have to keep the red wire of the meter  on the wire coming from positive side connection and black wire always on negative side of wires as current runs from positive to negative.
In this the bulb have the largest voltage drop as it consumes maximum power of battery. And then after voltage drop I measure the amps in the circuit for measuring amp we have to break the circuit so that the current will flow through the ammeter.AND ALL BEFORE MEASURING AMPS WE HAVE TO CHANGE THE PLACE OF RED WIRE ON THE METER AND SET YOUR METER TO DC AMP POSITION.
Then calculate resistance of light bulb by V= I*R and R = V/I
Then take out power = V*I 
And as THE RESULT it shows us : that bigger bulb have low resistance as compare to smaller bulb , as smaller bulb have high resistance so in a result low current flow from smaller bulbs and from bigger high current flows in circuit taking same supply voltage.

Wednesday 3/08/2011
 SERIES CIRCUIT: In series circuit was set up in the same way like individual but here we connected two bulbs to make it in series one after another and measured the voltage drop and amps in different parts of circuit,here the voltage divides into two bulbs in the circuit and flow of current is low as higher is the resistance because two bulbs are running in series circuit. Then calulated the total resistance by R=V/A and watts used by each bulb.

due to higher resistance in circuit less will be the current flow and lighter will be the brightness.

NOW CONNECT THREE BULBS IN SERIES :As due to higher resistance small bulbs could not light up so bigger bulbs are used,same as before started measuring voltage drop and amps in different parts of components,which shows voltage here is shared between 3 bulbs so the voltage drop is more as compared to 2 bulb circuit and in current,current flow is higher as we are using bigger bulbs,if in case smaller would be used the result is less then 0.24 amps.
Due to three bulbs brightness is lighter as the voltage is being shared as compared to two bulbs,then in last we measured available voltage of different parts of circuit as battery positive,input to the switch,out put to the switch,supply to light bulb 1....etc.

Thursday 4/08/2011
PARALLEL CIRCUIT:Here we connected two bulbs in paralle in which each consumer have there own positive supply from the switch and their own earth.
Here we measured available voltage for each bulb in parallel which came to be 12.09V for the both bulbs and the voltage drop measured was 12.07V for both bulbs.
In parallel remain same and current changes but in series voltage is shared and current remain same,then we measured current flow through parallel circuit from which we knew the amps in parallel is being shared between two bulbs,after this calculated the total resistance of each bulb R1 and R2 and the total resistance of circuit 1/RT=1/R1+1/R2 and total watts for each. 

In parallel components are given same voltage but current flow is high because of low resistance as in series ther is high resistance due to which flow of current is low therefore voltage is low.

THEN WE CONNECTED 3 LIGHT BULB IN PARALLEL:Again we measured current flow through each of 3 bulbs using the amp meter(2 big bulbs and 1 small bulb is being used),here the voltage remain same and the current splits into three bulbs.The available voltage for light bulb 1,2and3=12V and the voltage drop across each of the lights=11.47V,nothing happen to the available voltage and voltage drop.Both of them remain same after adding three bulbs because in parallel voltage remain same and then calculated the total resistance and watts of the circuit.

Friday 5/08/2011
Compound (series -parallel) circuits : Here the circuit is made up of  part series and part parallel.Here we connected 2 bulbs in parallel and 2 bulbs in series in the circuit,measure the available voltage,voltage drop at different parts of series and parallel circuit and the current flowing through the circuit at the given point and record, then we calculated at each parallel and series bulb and the watts are less compared to series and parallel worksheet because the bulb in the parallel circuit is much dimmer the in series as the series light bulb draw more voltage from the system.As the constant current in parallel is 0.42A which divides into 0.21A and 0.21(divides into two) and returns to0.42A when converted to series12.16V measured supply voltage drops to 7.16V when through the parallel circuit and remaining voltage is shared to the other components connected in series.

1 comment:

  1. Good start to your blog--need a little bit more on series circuit-- expand on the answers in your practical worksheet
